Monday, February 2, 2009

Red Balloon Co-op School Weekly Newsletter February 3-4, 2009

First off, I have to thank Emily for taking over the newsletter in January…very helpful and appreciated. Also thanks to Krisztina for the fabulous blog and for posting this newsletter!


We’ll be at Emily’s house for the next four weeks, 209 18th St. b/w 4th and 5th Avenues. Please use the entrance under the stoop (street level) and you can park your stroller down there too.

Last Week

Even with two changes of location in a week, the kids didn’t miss a beat! We were at our house on Tuesday and the group had a great time finger painting on large shiny pieces of gold paper. They played outside for a long time, riding bikes and trucks up the driveway. Emily hosted at our place and at hers and she really deserves the Red Balloon gold star this week (it was also her first week of grad classes!) At Emily’s the group played outside in the front yard (and ate lots of snow!) and played “lions” inside, crawling under the table for a lion cave and going on an adventure together. The group was excited to have a big boy join them—Avani’s brother was a big hit.

This Week

Drop-off and pick-up at 9:10 (quick goodbye) and 11:45 (closing circle with adults) as usual.

Important information about labeling: With the cold weather and all the layers, it’s really important to label all the clothes your child is wearing. I’ve been the worst culprit of not labeling and didn’t even send a coat for Will last Wednesday…so I have work to do, but I think if you just write your child’s name or first initial on masking tape and stick it in coats, sweaters and inside shoes and hats that would help Audrey and Krista quite a bit.

Audrey used the snow at Emily’s house to make a snowperson (being stored in Emily’s freezer) and this week the kids are going to watch the snowperson melt! They will also read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.

Volunteer Schedule

Volunteers should plan to return to the school location at 10:20 for a half hour of outdoor time. The schedule:
TUES 2/3 April, WED 2/4 Krisztina
TUES 2/10 Maya/John, WED 2/11 ALISE
TUES 2/17 Amanda, WED 2/18 ALI
TUES 2/24 Amber/Ted, WED 2/25 LIZ
This is assigned completely at random. If you have a conflict someone can switch with you. Email Amanda or Emily to let us know.

Things to Bring/Supplies

*Your check or cash for the monthly cost plus snack (checks made out to Emily Gardiner Herzog)

*Labeled sippy cup

Important: Time to update the diapers and change of clothes!

Madeline: needs clothes and diapers

Avani: needs change of clothes

Will, Luka and Soren need diapers

Please send items a labeled ziplock on Tuesday. Thanks!

Please contact Amanda with any news or updates for the newsletter:

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