Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekly Newsletter January 20-21, 2008


We’re still at Krisztina’s house: 605 Vanderbilt St., Apt. 2. If you walk a few blocks past Amanda’s house on Prospect Ave, you will hit Vanderbilt and #605 is almost at the corner. Apartment is on second floor – straight upstairs to door on right. Please fold and/or park strollers next to the garage door on the ground level (do not block downstairs apt.) unless you are taking them with you. Closest train stop: F to Fort Hamilton, 1 block away.

Last Week

The week got off to a great start and Krisztina’s house is a wonderful setting with fabulous enclosed outdoor options (weather permitting!). Audrey and Krista tell us that the kids are getting really good at circle formation and soon they will be able to incorporate movement in a circle. The teachers introduced a new concept: the “time out chair”, which children can elect to go to when they need a moment of calm. Audrey is focusing on introducing the word calm and teaching devices like counting to 10 when you are worked up, to help kids feel in command of their feelings (as well as practice counting). The chair is actually a popular spot and kids are encouraged to go there for a little peace when they need it. We will likely keep the “time out chair” in some form when we move locations. There was plenty of music and dancing (songs include Ring around the Rosy and Five Little Ducks as well as some Beatles tunes).

This Week

Drop-off and pick-up at 9:10 (quick goodbye) and 11:45 (closing circle with adults) as usual.

The kids will continue with their art projects, including working with circular and spherical objects and talking about snowballs. They will also continue decorating their wooden birdhouses and Avani will have one to start on. They are working on an easel with stencil-like forms taped to the paper, which provides a new way to create borders around drawings and is a great visual introduction to math and counting. (See “supplies” below for description of stencils – we are looking for more if you have them.)

In reading the “Thankful” book (see below) they are talking about things that make them feel grateful and happy each day. Inspired by an illustration from the book, the teachers introduced a pre-lunch tradition of holding hands in a a circle and saying “have a happy lunchtime; thanks to food and friends.” The children enjoy this moment of group thankfulness before they eat.

Volunteer Schedule

The remaining volunteer commitments for the month:



If you have a conflict someone can switch with you. Email Amanda or Emily to let us know.

Things to Bring/Supplies

*Your check or cash for the monthly cost plus snack, if you have not paid (checks made out to Krisztina Lorentz)

*Labeled sippy cup

*Change of diaper and/or clothes in a labeled ziplock, if yours has been used.

*This week some items from your house would be welcome if available:

-a baby doll

-strollers or other wheeled push toys for outdoor time (only bring if you can spare and it’s portable; don’t want to overload Krisztina’s house!)

-a ball 6” or more in diameter

-any cardboard or other stencil-like cutout sheets that can be taped to paper and drawn in. A good example is the kind of checkerboard-pattern sheet with multiple square openings that comes with packaged Christmas ornaments to keep them separate in the box. Any shapes welcome.

Please contact Amanda with any news or updates for the newsletter:

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